Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Traditional Henna Patterns & Tips for a Great Tattoo

Happy Henna Season to every one! Featured today is a photo of a traditional style henna tattoo by Ann George for the back of the hand. Henna works best on the palms, back of the hands and on the feet.

It does not work as well on the stomach, the back, nor the chest. If you want a temporary tattoo for that part of your body, you are better off buying a decal tattoo. There are lots of nice new Indian design decals for lades  for sale at The Midnight Sun (they are on the counter.)

Also, if you want henna in these places, please be sure to dress in clothing that will not disturb the henna, and be prepared to adjust your day so that the henna may remain on your skin for at least three hours.

For gentlemen, the henna takes best on the inner wrist. I am able to do henna on your upper arms, but please be sure to shave several days ahead of time. It is unlikely that henna will give good color on the chest.

The price of a henna tattoo starts at $15 and fees increase from that point. For example, the tattoo in the photo cost $30.00.  I use only the finest, freshest henna powder mixing the paste myself each week to ensure you get the best color possible.

I have just purchased some organic rajasthani henna, long known for giving deep red color on the palms and look forward to trying that out this weekend. I will offer henna tattoo at the Midnight Sun Friday and Saturday if all goes well and weather permits. 

Please call for more information, or to schedule an appointment. 904-993-7466. (*Please note this is a photo of henna paste on the skin. If you are new to henna, I strongly encourage you to visit my FAQ page. Answers to most commonly asked questions are there.


Traditional Henna Patterns & Tips for a Great Tattoo

Happy Henna Season to every one! Featured today is a photo of a traditional style henna tattoo by Ann George for the back of the hand. Henna works best on the palms, back of the hands and on the feet.

It does not work as well on the stomach, the back, nor the chest. If you want a temporary tattoo for that part of your body, you are better off buying a decal tattoo. There are lots of nice new Indian design decals for lades  for sale at The Midnight Sun (they are on the counter.)

Also, if you want henna in these places, please be sure to dress in clothing that will not disturb the henna, and be prepared to adjust your day so that the henna may remain on your skin for at least three hours.

For gentlemen, the henna takes best on the inner wrist. I am able to do henna on your upper arms, but please be sure to shave several days ahead of time. It is unlikely that henna will give good color on the chest.

The price of a henna tattoo starts at $15 and fees increase from that point. For example, the tattoo in the photo cost $30.00.  I use only the finest, freshest henna powder mixing the paste myself each week to ensure you get the best color possible.

I have just purchased some organic rajasthani henna, long known for giving deep red color on the palms and look forward to trying that out this weekend. I will offer henna tattoo at the Midnight Sun Friday and Saturday if all goes well and weather permits. 

Please call for more information, or to schedule an appointment. 904-993-7466. (*Please note this is a photo of henna paste on the skin. If you are new to henna, I strongly encourage you to visit my FAQ page. Answers to most commonly asked questions are there.


Friday, April 22, 2011

Cara Menghilangkan Tattoo Dengan Laser

tattoo cewek sexyBanyak alasan kenapa seseorang memilih untuk menghilangkan tattoo tubuh yang sudah dibuat, bisa karena sudah bosan dengan gambar tersebut, alasan religius atau karena faktor lainnya.

Penghilangan tattoo dengan prosedur laser biasanya akan membutuhkan beberapa kali kunjungan, dengan setiap kunjungan hanya membutuhkan waktu beberapa menit. Anestesi dapat diperlukan atau juga tidak, tergantung dari kebutuhannya.

Cara penghilangan tattoo dengan sinar laser adalah dengan mengirim sinar gelombang pendek dari cahaya melalui lapisan paling atas dari kulit, dimana energi laser tersebut diarahkan pada pigmen yang terdapat pada tattoo sehingga memecah pigmen tersebut untuk kemudian akan dikeluarkan oleh sistem kekebalan tubuh.

Pada saat proses pelaseran tersebut, mungkin akan terasa sama tidak nyamannya seperti saat pembuatan tattoo tubuh. Proses perawatan luka akibat laser tersebut juga akan sama seperti setelah selesai pembuatan tattoo. Tetapi biasanya, biaya yang dikeluarkan untuk proses penghilangan tattoo akan menjadi lebih mahal bila dibandingkan dengan saat pembuatan tattoo. Hal ini karena proses penghilangan tattoo tubuh tersebut biasanya akan membutuhkan beberapa kali kunjungan hingga hilang sepenuhnya.

Meskipun tattoo termasuk dalam seni untuk menghias tubuh, tetapi karena sifatnya yang permanen maka sebaiknya pikirkan masak-masak sebelum ingin membuat tattoo tubuh.

Dan bila sudah mantap ingin membuat tato tubuh, sebaiknya pilih studio tattoo profesional dengan peralatan yang aman & hygienis, serta selalu meminta seniman tato agar menggunakan sarung tangan & jarum baru untuk sekali pakai untuk digunakan saat membuat tattoo tubuh.

Friday, April 15, 2011

It's Henna Time Again! Spirit Vision Henna is back at The Midnight Sun

Do you love henna tattoo? Have you been waiting all winter long for the weather to break? Well, the wait is over.

I am happy to say I just made up a very lovely paste, letting it rest in the sun so that the dye would happily release from the mix of henna powder, henna tea & lemon juice.

Essential oils and some tamarind were added, the paste rested another day in balmy sunshine, and I now have a cone of henna to give deep stains on the hands and feet.

For those new to henna, it is a heat-activated body dye, and thus we wait for the warmer weather. The longer you leave your henna paste on the skin, and the warmer the weather, the darker your finished color will be.

I use quality henna powder from reliable suppliers, and the finest essential oils... but you must come prepared as well. Please do not come for henna wearing lotion or sun screen as this will prevent the dye from staining your skin a deep color.

I am hoping you will leave the paste on your skin for at least three hours, so if you want henna on your feet... wear the tiniest flip flops possible. ( Some want to brave 5 Points bare foot, but I don't think this is the best idea. )

Henna tattoo designs start at $15 and go up from there. I bring a good selection of pattern books, and you are welcome to look through the many images posted on this blog, or on my henna site.

I have been doing henna tattoo for over ten years now, all henna is free hand, and I am happy to create a unique design that fits your style and your budget. It is best to call ahead for henna if you want a tattoo during the week. I am not always available on short notice, so best to plan ahead.

I will be offering henna tattoo at The Midnight Sun, 1055 Park Street, Jacksonville, Florida 32205 this Saturday, most probably between 1 and 4 PM. Please call 904-993-7466 for more information if need be. 

It's Henna Time Again! Spirit Vision Henna is back at The Midnight Sun

Do you love henna tattoo? Have you been waiting all winter long for the weather to break? Well, the wait is over.

I am happy to say I just made up a very lovely paste, letting it rest in the sun so that the dye would happily release from the mix of henna powder, henna tea & lemon juice.

Essential oils and some tamarind were added, the paste rested another day in balmy sunshine, and I now have a cone of henna to give deep stains on the hands and feet.

For those new to henna, it is a heat-activated body dye, and thus we wait for the warmer weather. The longer you leave your henna paste on the skin, and the warmer the weather, the darker your finished color will be.

I use quality henna powder from reliable suppliers, and the finest essential oils... but you must come prepared as well. Please do not come for henna wearing lotion or sun screen as this will prevent the dye from staining your skin a deep color.

I am hoping you will leave the paste on your skin for at least three hours, so if you want henna on your feet... wear the tiniest flip flops possible. ( Some want to brave 5 Points bare foot, but I don't think this is the best idea. )

Henna tattoo designs start at $15 and go up from there. I bring a good selection of pattern books, and you are welcome to look through the many images posted on this blog, or on my henna site.

I have been doing henna tattoo for over ten years now, all henna is free hand, and I am happy to create a unique design that fits your style and your budget. It is best to call ahead for henna if you want a tattoo during the week. I am not always available on short notice, so best to plan ahead.

I will be offering henna tattoo at The Midnight Sun, 1055 Park Street, Jacksonville, Florida 32205 this Saturday, most probably between 1 and 4 PM. Please call 904-993-7466 for more information if need be. 

Monday, April 11, 2011

Cara Merawat Tattoo yang Baru Dibuat

tattoo cewek telanjangPerawatan yang dilakukan setelah menjalani pembuatan tattoo tubuh dapat beragam, tergantung dari jenis & luas tattoo yang dibuat. Meskipun demikian terdapat perawatan standar yang dapat dilakukan sesuah membuat tattoo tubuh sebagai berikut ini :

Ganti perban setelah 24 jam. Oleskan salep antibiotik pada kulit yang di tattoo hingga sembuh.

Jaga supaya area tubuh yang di tato tetap bersih dengan cara membersihkan area kulit tersebut dengan sabun & air serta keringkan dengan cara ditepuk jangan digosok.

Gunakan pelembap kulit. Oleskan pelembap kulit pada area yang di tattoo beberapa kali sehari.

Hindari paparan sinar matahari. Lindungi area yang ditattoo dari sinar matahari setidaknya selama beberapa minggu.

Pilih pakaian yang akan digunakan. Jangan gunakan pakaian yang dapat menempel pada area kulit yang di tattoo tersebut.

Biarkan area kulit di sekitar wilayah tattoo tersebut untuk pulih setidaknya dalam waktu 2 minggu. Jangan cabut bekas luka yang mengering (keropeng) yang ada, karena dapat meningkatkan resiko terjadinya infeksi serta merusak gambar yang dibuat & dapat menimbulkan bekas luka.

Jika khawatir tattoo yang dibuat ternyata infeksi atau luka yang timbul tidak sembuh dengan semestinya, sebaiknya konsultasi ke dokter. Jika ingin menghilangkan tattoo tersebut, dapat konsultasi ke dokter kulit untuk melakukan prosedur laser pada kulit ataupun prosedur lainnya.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Indian Mehndi on the hands and feet

Indian Dulhan Mehndi design

Mehndi is famous in the east for centuries. It is the application of Dulhan as a temporary form of skin decoration in the Indian Subcontinent, as well as by expatriate communities from these areas.

Indian Henna Mehndi Tattoos

Dulhan Mehndi is typically applied during special occasions like weddings and traditional festivals. Indian Mehndi decorations became fashionable in the West in the late 1990s, where they are sometimes called henna tattoos. Indian Mehndi on the hands and feet. Also, all other regions has its own style of Mehndi – every one is different, but one thing they have in common – they all have Amazing color Mehndi that offers a beautiful & Unique Mehndi design

Indian Dulhan Mehndi design wid color
Dulhan Mehndi design
Dulhan Mehndi design wid color
Beautiful Mehndi design wid color
Indian Mehndi on the hand
Indian Mehndi on the hands and feet
Indian Dulhan Mehndi on the hands and feet
Indian Dulhan Mehndi on the hand
Indian Mehndi on the hands and feet
Indian Mehndi on the hands and feet
Indian Dulhan Mehndi on the hands and feet

Friday, April 1, 2011

Apa Efek Samping Tattoo Tubuh

tattoo cewek telanjangKarena tattoo dilakukan di kulit, maka terdapat kemungkinan untuk mengalami infeksi kulit ataupun komplikasi lainnya akibat tindakan tato tubuh tersebut. Resiko kesehatan yang dapat terjadi adalah sebagai berikut :

Reaksi alergi
Bahan pewarna yang digunakan pada tattoo, terutama warna merah dapat menyebabkan terjadinya reaksi alergi pada kulit. Akibatnya akan timbul rasa gatal di area tubuh yang ditattoo. Hal ini bahkan dapat berlangsung selama beberapa tahun setelah tattoo tubuh tersebut dibuat.

Infeksi kulit
Membuat tato tubuh juga dapat menyebabkan terjadinya infeksi bakteri lokal di area tubuh yang dibuat tato. Gejala yang dirasakan bila terjadi infeksi adalah kemerahan, bengkak & rasa sakit serta adanya nanah di tempat tato tersebut berada.

Masalah kulit lainnya
Kadang benjolan yang disebut dengan granuloma dapat timbul di setira area tubuh yang di tattoo dengan warna, terutama warna merah. Membuat tato juga dapat menimbulkan tumbuhnya jaringan di sekitar tato yang disebut dengan keloid.

Penyakit menular
Bila peralatan yang digunakan untuk membuat tato terkontaminasi dengan darah yang terinfeksi penyakit, maka penyakit tersebut juga dapat masuk kedalam darah. Penyakit yang dapat menular melalui darah antara lain adalah hepatitis B, hepatitis C, tetanus, serta infeksi HIV yang dapat menyebabkan AIDS.

Komplikasi saat MRI
Meskipun jarang terjadi, tato atau make-up permanen dapat menyebabkan timbulnya rasa terbakar atau bengkak saat dilakukan pemeriksaan dengan MRI (magnetic resonance imaging). Pada beberapa kasus, pigmen pada tato juga dapat mempengaruhi kualitas gambar yang dihasilkan saat MRI.

Bila mengalami reaksi alergi, infeksi kulit atau masalah kulit lainnya, sebaiknya konsultasi ke dokter untuk mendapatkan penanganan yang tepat. Pada beberapa kasus, bahkan diperlukan prosedur penghilangan tattoo.